Month: January 2014


  • Persistence of Vision 

Is the theory that an image remains on a retina after exposure to the original for a a brief amount of time. (around 0.04 second)  When there is a series of still images being shown at a certain speed the brain thinks its seeing motion. This is used for Film, Animation and Television. The definition of film is  a sequence of images of moving objects photographed by a camera and providing the optical illusion of continuous movement when projected onto a screen However in 1912 there was controversy on the theory stating that there was no scientific evidence to back up the idea. The other preferred theory is Beta Movement described first by  Max Wertheimer in 1912. This is the  illusion of two or more images combined by our brain.

Example (Eadweard Muybridge, Animal locomotion, Plate 695, Elk, 1880s) (Edited By Leigh Fuller 11 April 2013)

  • Stop Motion

Stop Motion is done by moving an object slightly by mm while taking a picture every time moved. When the frames are in sequence it gives the illusion of movement. Clay figures, puppets and miniatures are often used in stop motion animation as they can be handled and re positioned easily. Stop motion has been round since 1897. J. Stuart Blackton and Albert E. Smith created a stop motion called Humpty Dumpty Cirus. As the video has been lost another one they had done by stop motion is The Enchanted Drawing.

  • Frame Rates

The amount of pictures taken per second is called the film rate which is measured in Frames Per Second (FPS). Its the speed of whats been recorded and the speed of the playback. The motion is more accurate if there is more frames per second. Film is commonly shot at 24 frames per second.

Figure. Diagram comparing the frames in 1 second of 60 fps footage to the frames in 1 second of 24 fps footage.